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Group work makes local students unpaid tutors to international students

The EL Gazette reports on an Australian student, Meshal Laurie, who argues that with the group work projects they are required for their courses, the Australian students in her program are effectively required to tutor the international students in their groups in order to pass their courses. Similar stories have come out of the UK.

Read more in the EL Gazette.

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Princeton and Concordia Universities receive $2M to study the development of bilingual toddlers

The study will follow two groups of 50 toddlers, one in Spanish-English speaking homes in New Jersey, the other in French-English speaking homes in Montreal. ” The primary goal of the study is to understand how bilingual infants and toddlers learn two languages in the context of everyday switching across sentences, conversations, and people. “

Read more in the Concordia University press release.

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New International Masters in Teaching English at Saint Mary’s University

The Brtitish Council has estimated that by 2020, there will be over 2 billion people speaking or learning to speak English. It has also been noted that in non-English speaking countries, the majority of the English teachers will be non-native English speakers.

With these non-native English speaking teachers in mind, Sain Mary’s University in Halifax has jsut launched its new International Masters in Teaching English.

Find out more about the program and the first cohort.

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Post-secondary institutions in Sudbury dealing with racism against international students

International student numbers in this northern Ontario city have been growing as they have across the country. But as there has been little cultural or racial diversity, it is unfortunate if not surprising that international students are reporting threats and intolerance.

Find out more about some students’ experiences as well as the reactions of Laurentian University and Cambrian College on the CBC website.