Language Hungry


SKU: ec9783902504784 Category:

Author: Tom Murphey
Publisher – Macmillan

The books in the Macmillan Books for Teachers series have been written to expand and develop skills used by English language teachers. Equally suited for both new teachers and seasoned professionals, the series covers topics ranging from cutting edge methodology developments to practical techniques. Insights from academic research are combined with hands on experience to create books which provide solutions for real world teaching situations.

Language Hungry! teaches you how to learn in an effective way while exploiting your brain’s potential. You will learn not to waste time and resources, have more control over your thoughts and increase your fun and success within the classroom.

It contains a large variety of ideas and stories which invite the reader to experiment with new skills, new ideas and positive ways which favour success in language acquisition. It stimulates passion for learning and so makes the reader “hungry for language!”