Communication Spotlight: Business 1


SKU: ec9781896942520 Category:

Authors: Alastair Graham-Marr
Publisher: ABAX
TOEIC®: 350-500

Communication Spotlight: Business 1 is a two-skills text for adults and young adults that focuses on the strategies of speaking within a business context, that is, the strategies that all of us use to take control in communicative situations to confirm or clarify what we’re saying and what we’re hearing, to help with fluency and to compensate for a lack of language. Taking control of and using language with purpose is a need especially important in business.

In terms of listening, Communication Spotlight: Business 1 focuses on helping students hear English as it’s actually spoken, drawing student attention to the connected sounds of natural speech. Both the speaking and listening focuses are on things that students can put to immediate use, whether they’re already part of or on their way to joining the business world.