Is anyone else out there a Globe and Mail reader? We read it almost every day and almost every day for the past little while it has seemed like there has been at least one story claiming that after months of battling one goverment agency or another, they finally have gotten access to some very important information that someone was trying to conceal. It is like they want to make themselves out as the forces behind the Panama Papers, but in a Canadian context.
Anyhoo, something they have revealed is a Citizenship and Immigration Canada report – which the government was trying to keep secret – that states that the work program designed to encourage international students tos spend their education dollars at Canadian post-secondary institutions has actually created a pool of cheap labour from which Canadian businesses can exploit. The majority of those employed on work permits are in low-skilled jobs in the service sector and have median eranings that are less than half of other rececent graduates.
Read the full article in the Globe and Mail.