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CATESOL San Diego Chapter 2019: November 2, 2019

Famous for its zoo, San Diego is also the home of the 11th CATESOL Chapter. The 11th Chapter of CATESOL serves ESL teachers from California and Nevada. This year the conference will be held at the Alliant International University with the theme being Getting There Faster and Better: Accelerating Student Learning. As always, we show our support by swag, so if you will be attending grab some of our post-it notes!

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TEAL Manitoba 2019: October 25, 2019

The province that is known as “Gateway to the West” will be holding its annual PD day on October 25, 2019. EAL Manitoba supports professional development through conferences, newsletters, professional development workshops, and other activities. TEAL Manitoba works on behalf of EAL learners and teachers. We will also be showing our support by sending out some English Central swag!

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MITESOL 2019: November 1 & 2, 2019

Michigan Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (MITESOL) 2019 will be held at Grand Valley State University. The mission of the conference is to provide leadership and support to TESOL professionals. We hope you enjoy the conference and take in the beautiful scenery. We will not be able to attend, but we did send out some swag, so make sure you check out the goodie bag for our EC logo!

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TexTESOL State Conference 2019: October 31 – November 2, 2019

2019 TextTESOL is going to take place in San Antonio, Texas. San Antonio is a great place to be at during the Halloween season, especially if you are a fan of all things that go ‘bump’ in the night. But if you are not much for spooky things you can always skip that and enjoy this year’s conference: The ABC’s of TESOL. The mission of the great state conference is to gather professionals who teach English to Speakers of Other Languages together to share their expertise via teaching workshops, research presentations, and poster sessions.

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Dakota TESL 2019: October 21 & 22, 2019

Sioux Falls is the home to over 70 parks and greenways. This year it will also be the location of the 2019 Dakota TESL! Save the date, as Monday and Tuesday will be dedicated to all things ESL, while the evenings will be reserved for Community Nights covering the topics of diversity (October 20) and trauma (October 21). Even though we won’t be there our swag will so make sure you get a goodie bag if you attend.

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Ohio TESOL 2019: October 11 & 12, 2019

The hip capital of Buckeye State will be having its annual conference at the Greater Columbus Convention. Ohio TESOL is an association of teachers of English to speakers of other languages. The conference will provide professional representation, resources, and advice to individuals dedicated to teaching the English Language. We are happy to announce that we will be there, so if you are down in Columbus, Ohio, we’ll be happy if you stop by and say hello