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A new ELT publisher: Innova Press

Recently the launch of Innova Press was announced. The Press will have offices in London and Reading, while it is a joint venture by three powerful Chinese companies. The largest foreign languages publisher in China has partered with the largest non-state language training provider China as well as a successful online learning provider to create this new press. Innova will create ELT and CLT (that is Chinese Language Teaching) materials for the global market.

Richard Peacock, formerly the man in charge at Garnet Education, is the president of the press and had the following to say:

We are indeed privileged to be working with such influential and cutting-edge partners. As I believe the Chinese saying goes, all things are difficult before they are easy, and the coming year or two will involve a lot of hard work and many challenges. But with the support and good will of our partners, we are confident that we will achieve our goal of becoming a leading and truly innovative international publisher.

Innova, as the name would suggest, is committed to innovating language learning materials. We can expect titles to become available in 2018 and you  can bet that English Central will bring them to you.

In the meantime, if you have an answer to the question “Why does the world need a new ELT Publisher?,” send an email to

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New international student enrollments in the US on the decline

Sadly, it is of no surprise to anyone teaching in a IEP anywhere in the US, but international student numbers have been declining over the past year. Some blame is pointed at Trump, some at the currently difficulty obtaining visas and then there are a few other factors involved too.

For an incredibly detailed article on what is hapenning with international students in the US right now, read this article in Inside Higher Ed.

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NYS TESOL 47th Annual Conference: November 3rd & 4th

Empathy in Action: Social Pedagogy and Public Advocacy for English Language Learners

English Central is proud to be a Silver Sponsor of this year’s NYS TESOL Conference and Carrie is very much looking forward to seeing you there (if you are going to be there, of course; she has many skills, but it would be difficult for her to see you if you weren’t there). Come by, chaeck out our books and SWAG and say hello.

NYS TESOL Conference site

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Melania takes issue with an English language school

There is more than one Trump who takes themselves too seriously.

A private language school in Croatia recently ran ads on five billboards. The billboards featured a large photo of melania Trump standing in front of an American flag with the caption “Just imagine how far you can go with a little bit of English.” The first lady took this as a slight and the school was threatened to take the billboards down or face legal action. The school seemed quite surprised and said their intention had been to present her as a role model.

Read account in the EL Gazette.

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From seaturtle to seaweed

Chinese students who study abroad used to get the nickname “seaturtle” once they returned home. These days, their new nickname is “seaweed”.

According to an article in the EL Gazette, there are increasing doubs among the Chinese of the value of studying abroad. Chinese students who have studied abroad are finding that their job prospects are not improved once they return home.

Read more in the EL Gazette.

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International recruiters capable of overcharging and fraud

It may not come as a surprise, but with the millions of dollars spent by colleges, universities and private schools to recruit international students, unethical and unlawful student recruitment agents have experienced a bit of a windfall. Agents are largely unregulated and easilt manage to overcharge and defraud the students on whose behalf they are meant to be working.

Read more in the Vancouver Sun.

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International Students and Mental Health

The CBC recently reported that many international students in Canada avoid seeking mental health support because of fears that it will lead to their being deported.

As many international students studying in Canada hope to immigrate to Canada after their studies, there is a common fear that seekign help for depression and other mental health issues will leave a black mark on their files that will lead to their immigration applications being rejected when the time comes.

Read more on CBC.

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Some English instructors feel pressure to pass international students

Two English instructors at Langara College in Vancouver have gone public with their concern that they are being pressured to pass international students who deserve to fail their classes. While the College provost denies there is any such pressure, the instructors are just two lending their voice to the growing number of post-secondary educators pointing to the problems created by the exploding number of international students at Canadian colleges and universitites.

As well as institutional pressure, there is also the pressure from students who sometimes try to move their instructors to improve their grades through tears or begging… or complaining to the department head. Instructors are also concerned about the effect of failing students on “rate your preofessor websites” and their ability to fill classes going forward.

These instructors have also voiced the concern that the quality of education for domestic students is going down because of the international students’ common inability to properly participate in the class because of linguistic deficiency.

Read the article in the Vancouver Sun.