Top-Up Listening


SKU: ec9781896942759 Category:

Author: Chris Cleary, Terry Cooney, Bill Holden
Publisher: Abax
CEF: A2-B1+

Top-Up Listening features English as it is actually spoken, giving students practice in drawing meaning from naturally spoken English by explicitly developing student knowledge of English conversation patterns. In fact, the title itself indicates the approach taken: it combines training in top-down and bottom-up processing skills. Bottom-up processing skills are finally given the attention they deserve, helping students understand how sounds link, blend and disappear in spoken English.


Key Features:

    • A wide range of listening types: announcements, newscasts, conversations, service encounters practice in inferencing, practice in using knowledge of context, practice in predicting and checking a wide variety of listening tasks: listening for gist, listening for overall understanding, listening for specific information


    • Speaking tasks: helping students activate their knowledge and giving students the opportunity to use language from the listening in an active way


    • Includes audio CD.