Reading the World Now 2


SKU: ec9781599662602 Category:

Authors: Rob Jordens, Jeff Zeter
Publisher: Compass Publishing

Reading the World Now is a three-book series designed for students who are seeking to bridge their English language reading from adapted texts to native texts. Upon reading an upper-intermediate to advanced level of written materials, students are ready to move from comprehending adapted texts designed for second language learners to reading materials written for readers whose first language is English. Reading the World Now provides students who are ready for this challenging but necessary step in the development of reading skills with a range of informative texts covering a broad scope of topics from literature to science to social issues. All passages in the series are supported with activities to encourage practice of students’ productive skills in English in addition to reinforcing development of reading and vocabulary skills.

Key Features

    • Thematically organized paired readings covering a broad range of fields of students’ interest


    • Comprehension activities focused on recalling facts and details from passage along with making inferences of implied information and writers’ purposes


    • Vocabulary development activities specifically targeting mid-frequency and academic words


    • Language reinforcement and extension activities developed around word-form and grammar-based practice


    • Audio recordings of reading passages


    • Additional vocabulary practice with free application through the QR code